Tamanduás-Bandeira rugby team is the first inclusive LGBTQIA+ team in Brazil and receives direct support from Instituto 17 to achieve its goals as a Sports Association and continue its activities.
Instituto 17 is one of the entities that are part of the PiBiogás Assembly and supports the dissemination of knowledge about biogas in Brazil. To find out more about PiBiogas, visit:
The information platform of biogas Andrea Faria is a digital collaboration network between institutions linked to the biogas sector in Brazil. Our goal is to facilitate access to digital tools, institutional websites and information related to biogas, as well as to encourage new actions and partnerships in the sector. PiBiogás is an initiative of the GEF Biogás Brasil project. It is led by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development (UNIDO ) and executed by the International Center for Renewable Energies (CIBiogás).